Inside The Photographic Diary Of Monia Merlo


Monia Merlo picked up photography two years ago as a means to express her emotions visually, emotions she was having a hard time formulating into words. The images have a dreamy, evanescent quality, presenting the viewer with idealized female subjects in visually striking spaces that hint at feelings of isolation and brooding.

‘Inside the Mirror’ became her photographic diary to convey the feelings she couldn’t otherwise. Over time, the act of creating the series helped Merlo change her own perspective and mood and though she had never planned it as such, the series ultimately turned into a form of rebirth.Monia-Merlo-2In Italian, Merlo says of her works, “Alcuni fotografi guardano la camera come se fosse una finestra, altri come se fosse uno specchio. Io sono tra questi.”. Roughly translated, it means: “Some photographers look at the camera as if it were a window, others as if it were a mirror. I am one of these.” [h/]monia Monia-Merlo-3Monia-Merlo-4
