Unique Sculptures from the Wire By the Artist Seung Mo Park Seem Like Real


In our time there are more and more extraordinary artists. And each of them tries to surprise us by offering something that we have never seen before. These are unusual paintings, sculptures, and, for example, not so long ago, there were amazing three-dimensional graffiti. For all fans of something non-standard Korean artist, Seung Mo Park creates curious sculptures of aluminum wire. This is not a simple matter. The author began with work on small flat details, gradually moving to more complex and ingenious outlines. His sculptures have already visited exhibitions in Korea, London, and the USA, and in Brooklyn, in North America.

In his works, Son Mo, each layer of material closely adheres to the previous one, thereby creating a solid structure. One can only imagine how difficult and laborious this is. It takes a lot of time and energy to recreate the image and embody the idea, but the result is amazing. An impression of the fullness and integrity of the figures is created, despite the material as thin as a cobweb. The most popular project of Son Mo Park – ‘Human’ is interesting because the sculpture made of metal seems alive and warm – with such precision the artist performed every millimeter of the body and clothes of this figure. All the works of Son Mo Park are marked by individuality, and there is a complete impression that his creations are endowed with feelings: the figures seem to have frozen in anticipation of some important event. The artist paid special attention to the most beautiful, feminine, half of humanity. And every image is an ode dedicated to the beauty of the female body. The project of the Korean artist – “Human” seems to reflect the female nature of the XXI century.

Each rigid thread seems to permeate and wrap the sculpture with thin silk. The accuracy of the artist in the image of the smallest detail is simply amazing – you involuntarily start to wonder: how are these sculptures created? The process of their birth can be described as the gradual alignment of the silhouette from a certain chaotic mass. Any exhibition of Moe Park can be compared to the starry sky: the artist’s works are as beautiful as the constellations on the dark canvas of the universe.


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