Stunning Digital Art works by Aquasixio – Cyril ROLANDO


Cyril Rolando spends his free time creating beautiful surrealistic pictures. Back in 2003, using only a mouse and a simple drawing program, he independently learned digital painting. “I’ve never painted before,” says the artist. “In 2003, when I was 18, I started to visit Oekaki’s website, which allows me to draw using only a mouse.” After two months of experiments with techniques and samples of work in the style of Manga, the artist began to select different colors and develop his own style.

After a while, Cyril Rolando realized that the use of a mouse and a website only severely limited it. Then the artist discovered the possibilities of Photoshop and bought the first tablet. This allowed the artist to create pictures with photographic detail. Rolando never ceased to sharpen his style and experiment with shades. Knowledge of psychology allows him with understanding to combine shades, that would achieve the necessary effect of perception.

In his paintings, Cyril Rolando tries to create unique images. The artist allegedly creates amazing non-existent worlds, which fascinate and attract.

For 10 years, the artist’s style developed and changed until he became what he is. Today, digital pictures of Cyril Rolando are recognizable, from other works they are distinguished by extraordinary color solutions, soft texture and original details.

Cyril does not hide the fact that his work was greatly influenced by such masters as Tim Burton and Hayao Miyazaki. But despite the similarity of the themes of images and presentation of reality, the work of Rolando is unique and unique.


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