10 Expert Tips on How to Start a Collection


You don’t have to be a millionaire to become a collector. Collecting is a great way to demonstrate your passion for art and can become an inexpensive hobby. We are trying to figure out what is important to know in the first stages and give our readers some expert tips.

It is enough to love art and pay attention to the circulation works of famous artists.

  • The main rule of any serious art collector that beginners need to know is not to think about profit, but to think about beauty.
  • Since it is not always possible to understand all the fashionable trends of modern art at once, many people start their collection by buying limited-edition works by already recognized artists. Thus, there is a chance to get what you have always liked and pay adequate money for it.
  • It is necessary for an art collector to study carefully what appears at auctions.
  • Shop for pieces of art online. Start by searching online forums. Art collectors are often willing to exchange new items or sell items they currently own.
  • Shop for items in person. Despite the fact that most regular stores do not have the niche products you are looking for, there are still many places where you can search. If you want to be an art collector, try visiting flea markets in your area, as well as antique shops and charity shops.
  • Know your items. When adding to your art collection, learn a fact about the item you’re adding. This will give you something to talk about when showing off your art collection to others and will also make the collection experience more personal for you.
  • Part of creating an art collection is to refine it. Edit old fragments that you no longer need to make room for new ones. Sell the old ones.
  • Group your art collection together to create an impactful gallery wall.
  • Update the items you are showcasing. As you buy new pieces, remove the old ones from your walls and replace them with the updated versions. This will keep your art collection feeling fresh and exciting and will also serve as an icebreaker when people come to visit.
  • Regardless of your age or level of expertise, if you’re interested in collecting, you should give it a go.


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