Art School Essay Writing Tips for International Students


Students of different specialties write essays daily. International students are not an exception and requirements for them do not differ from average ones. That is why they are to be ready to write an art essay in the best way. Professional essay writing service AdvancedWriters gives recommendations on its performance.

Look for the Compelling Topic

College tutors and professors want their students to write valuable essays in art. It means that the paper must present a topic that introduces some novelty or asks interesting questions. It can be new details about the author of the prominent artwork or another interpretation of the masterpiece.

For example, “Is it possible to create a masterpiece without a pack of pencils, oils, and paints?”

To find a worthy topic a student needs to read many articles in magazines, newspapers, art news, and art websites and blogs. Every day people spend many hours on social networks. Many groups speak about art, its trends, news, outstanding personalities, and new personalities.

Mind the Structure Demanded by the College

Each college has demands concerning the structure of the essay and its formatting. As a rule, an essay consists of a title, an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

The title is to be brief, to the point, and informative. There must be less than 80 characters.

For instance, “What is Art Therapy and Why It Is Regarded as Art?”

Students are to present it on the title page. First, a person should learn the full name of the educational institution, give the name of the discipline and the title, and indicate the type of work, date, teacher, and personal name.

The introduction should hook the reader with a striking idea. A person can achieve it due to intricate questions, shocking facts, impressive statistics, and a story. The target reader should get involved in the topic and want to read it till the end.

The body supports the idea given in the introduction. It never discusses things that a student has not presented at the beginning of the paper. The best way to convince the reader is to support the idea with facts, true-life stories, and valid pieces of advice.

For example, “Art therapy is an excellent ‘medicine’ in psychology  since the 1940s.” (source)

The conclusion restates everything and sums up the important information. Experts recommend making it as catchy as the introduction. A student can use the same tools.

Sometimes colleges ask students to present the used resources in the bibliography section. Students create a list of literature in alphabetical order and format it appropriately. Online tools can generate sources in a couple of seconds. A performer just inserts details about the author, date of the publication, and pages or the link of the web source and the generator will provide the citation automatically.

Study Only Reputable Sources

Academic papers demand concrete data or check the student’s ability to think and analyze. The second variant deals with essays where students must reflect their feelings and emotions concerning the chosen artwork. The first variant requires reliable information and a student’s analysis. So, a student must present only trustworthy information from trustworthy sources. It is very important to cite sources in the bibliography. Otherwise, a student can be accused of plagiarism.

After-Writing Steps

An essay in art must have not only valuable content but also excellent structure and grammatically correct text. To reach this goal students have to do several steps.

I. Proofread

A person should read the written essay twice. The first one helps to find mistakes and correct them. The second reading shows if everything is logical and well-structured. Online grammar checkers can help to find the most vivid mistakes, correct them, and improve the content.

II. Check if It Is Unique

Plagiarized works tarnish the reputation and a student risks getting expelled. College professors always check papers through plagiarism checkers. A student should do the same before handing in the paper.

III. Format

There are four major formats: MLA, APA, MLA, and Chicago. Each format differs in spacing, font, margins, and formatting of the bibliography and footnotes. In case a student wants to add some materials to the Appendix page, he or she should know how to present it. For example, a student decides to provide videos, PPTs, audio files, and pictures. A college must tell you how to do that. It can be the link to Google Drive or a folder sent via email.

IV. Study Samples

The Internet is full of free sample papers a student can study. Excellent papers can guide writers and show how everything should be done. It is a great way to get the highest score. International students should also improve their English level by reading, chatting with native speakers, and writing.


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