Do you want to become an in-demand artist? Of course, the prerequisite is your ability, love for art, and desire to create. But even one of these talents is not enough for your paintings to hang in the best museums in the world. Let’s find out what experienced artists would say to an aspiring visual artist.
So, let’s listen to the advice of professional artists who manage to find buyers for their paintings and make money from their talents.
Tip 1: Learn the Basics
All sciences and crafts start with basic knowledge. If you’ve been to art school, you just need to brush up on the information you got there. If this is your first time picking up a pencil, it’s a good idea to sign up for drawing or painting classes, or at least find online drawing courses, read textbooks, and listen to audio courses.
A real fine artist must be able to mix paints on his own and understand what color and color scheme, shadow and penumbra, proportions and perspective are. These fundamentals are not dead theory. This is the basic knowledge that makes the job easier.
A fine artist also needs to know exactly what tools he needs to best do what he loves to do. Then, once you’ve decided on your style and technique, study it more carefully. And not to imitate another, but solely for the sake of mastering the secrets of mastery.
Tip 2: Do Not Get Hung Up Going In Only One Direction
Many experienced fine artists are aware of their weaknesses. For example, one visual artist paints landscapes beautifully, but he could not understand the complexities of human anatomy, even after many years of effort.
You can learn a lot as you improve your knowledge and skills to become a versatile artist and craftsman. Try to expand your horizons, discover new trends and styles, the culture of different eras, the art of different countries.
A narrow vision is not good for a fine artist; the creator must be able to go beyond the established patterns. Try mixing different styles and techniques. Your work will immediately become more interesting.
Tip 3: Study All Kinds and Genres of Fine Art
They say that real artists should understand all the nuances of fine art. It will be an advantage for you if you learn how to work with various materials: crayons, oils, acrylics, and watercolors. In addition, at least learn the basics of graphic editors. This is an important component for business, and also raises your skill level. You will be able to process photos of your work or design a brochure and an invitation to the exhibition.
Tip 4: Learn From the Greats
It is very useful for a novice artist to study in-depth the works of recognized masters. It is very useful for a novice artist to study in-depth the works of recognized masters. If you cannot see the paintings of famous artists, then study the albums of fine art, the Internet will help you!
Try to find the smallest details of the paintings of the great artists of the past, who immortalized their names in art.
Tip 5: Try to Create Something New
Try to find the smallest details of the paintings of the great fine artists of the past, who immortalized their names in art. To do this, you need to improve your skill level with daily exercises. Over time, the exercises will lead to other priorities in your art.
If you want to be a successful artist, you need to find a way to create work that didn’t exist before you and offer the world a whole new product. Some artists draw nymphs all their lives the way they were taught in art school, and remain anonymous, despite their obvious talent and skill.
Finding a new direction in fine art is very difficult and painstaking work. Perhaps what you create today will turn out to be a complete failure or, conversely, a masterpiece. And you never know until you try.
Tip 6: Enjoy Criticism
A few words about criticism. Artists living among people always receive comments on their work. If an artist cannot calmly listen to criticism, then what kind of artist is he? So welcome any comments, both positive and negative, because they are necessary for improving your skill level.
If you are criticized, take it to heart, but do not take other people’s words as an attempt to humiliate you. If you are an aspiring artist, you should listen especially carefully.
Suddenly there is something to learn. In this case, you don’t have to abandon your original style, but perhaps adjust to include other correct ideas and materials.