Use This Writing Guide to Create an Excellent Essay


Essay writing is a very controversial part of college studying as it divides students into two categories. For one type, an essay is an opportunity to showcase writing and editing skills, unleash creativity, and prove themselves as good authors. Nevertheless, another category doesn’t enjoy writing at all. Students find tasks too tricky as there are too many requirements to follow. Individuals try to resolve this problem somehow.

There are two options. The first is to search for the best writing services and get writing done by a professional. The second one is to follow a guideline and complete the task yourself. Enough struggling as we will reveal several recommendations to help you improve your writing.

Figure Out What to Write About

The first step always looks daunting for students, especially during their first term. This is the first serious writing task, and its most challenging moment is…what will it be about? Teachers mainly offer topics within the subject, so students have a choice. If there are several options in front of you, choose the most comfortable to describe or research.

If you can choose the topic yourself, stick to those factors. Brainstorm yourself to come up with a strong one. Take notes and decide how detailed you want your writing to be and how deep you want to go into the research. For example, if you had a significant experience in your life, answer yourself a question: do you want to write about it?

Be Realistic

Sometimes individuals go too pessimistic describing their life experience, making it look worse than it was. Let emotions go, but don’t be too emotional when describing something. Readers will see that you overreached yourself with emotions.

Research Your Topic

This step is actual if you are writing about something you are unaware of. Of course, you can skip investigation if the topic relates to personal experience or things you are passionate about. However, research is essential whether you write about something complicated, like a physical phenomenon or the evolution of endangered species. If investigating differs from your interest, consider choosing an easier topic for an essay.

Create an Outline

Understanding what you want to write about and how to do it is good, but structuring this information is much better. An outline is unnecessary, but it allows you to see what’s missing. Take notes, and decide how many paragraphs, headings, and subheadings your writing will have. It will increase readability and make the essay look better, mainly if you write about a complicated topic.

Come Up With a Thesis Statement

Once you write an essay, it should contain a central point the whole writing is holding at. For example, if you write a creative essay based on the story, you may choose its primary problem as a thesis statement of your writing. So, first, consider what you should describe ensuring you select an appropriate thesis statement. Then, after choosing an option, include it in your outline.

Edit and Proofread

Finishing the writing process doesn’t mean your essay is ready. After that, ensuring your paperwork has no grammatical, stylistic, or other issues is important. Read the whole text two at least three times to ensure you don’t miss anything. Here’s an excellent and practical tip – read your essay aloud. When you hear what you’ve written, spotting the weak sentence or a wrong-placed phrase is much easier.

Remember Who Is Your Audience

How to ensure you have proper writing? First, take a look at those who will read it. Usually, essays are checked by college teachers or admission officers, so it’s important to filter the vocabulary and tone of voice. The essay may be formal or casual, which impacts language. Students should avoid conversational constructions and colloquial phrases in formal writing and focus less on emotions.

On the contrary, you should make your essay sound thorough and direct, emphasizing facts and explaining everything to your audience. No unanswered questions will be left if a formal essay is written carefully.

Essay Types You May Need to Write While Studying

It’s essential to understand the difference between types of essays. Once you understand what needs to be said in specific writing, the creation will be less problematic.

  • Argumentative essay. It is set to defend a position or a statement. Teachers often give such tasks to students at the beginning of studying, so be ready to write one. The main focus is argumentation, so consider building a strong defensive strategy.
  • Admission essay. This assignment is usually included in the admission process. In this writing, applicants provide personal and professional information about themselves. They describe background, experience, interests, and goals. They also show their motivation for joining the program.
  • Persuasive essay. In this writing, the author presents a personal point of view, convincing the reader to accept it. The key is providing clear and concise arguments supported by evidence (facts, quotes, etc.). You can give and refute a counter-argument to strengthen the argument, solidifying your position.
  • Personal essay. Such writing could describe a unique experience and explore a particular event from the author’s perspective. A personal essay can cover multiple topics – culture, sports, relationships, social problems, etc. Moreover, such writing has a flexible structure and may change depending on the set goals.

Writing an essay of a specific kind may be problematic, especially if you have strict requirements and a deadline. However, a detailed guideline will help you resolve problems.

Summing Up

An essay writing guide is a good option for authors who don’t have much experience. When everything is structured and highlighted, you understand every step and can bring balance to the writing. However, sometimes people can’t handle the task due to some reasons (lack of time, reluctance to write an essay, etc.). Getting help from a professional writing service is a good option. Check masterpapers reviews and see how clients react to the delivered writing pieces to ensure you make the right choice. Let professionals do their job!


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