Reasons Why It’s So Important To Preserve Artifacts Properly


Historical artifacts represent a powerful connection to our past. As soon as archaeologists suspect they are valuable items to be unveiled at an excavation site, they have to think about how they will protect them. A typical preservation process involves everything from the precise methods of uncovering artifacts – to the careful way of preparing them for storing or displaying. All of these steps must be properly planned and conducted, and here are the reasons why.

It Prevents Further Damages

Each object we uncover must be kept away from hazards like light, temperature, high humidity, pests, and other pollutants. For example, paper, textiles, and every other memorabilia subject to mold need to be kept in an open space with a controlled climate. Photographs are usually placed in museum storage cabinets along with leather artifacts and other natural items, as all of these historical findings are very sensitive to light. Using closed cabinets is also a great way to maximize storage capacity. Plus, it facilitates the work historians put into conserving the artifacts to have more truthful evidence of our history for generations to come.

It Helps Us Understand History

Artifacts from historical events help us learn more about them. However, this is only possible if we ensure that they remain in good condition, so they stay a tangible part of history for years to come. With careful long-term artifact preservation and storage methods, these valuable items can be used by research centers to prove many hypotheses presented by historians contemplating our past. Additionally, objects from our recent and ancient past also let us honor those that played memorable roles in shaping our history.

It Allows Restoration

Sometimes it’s also possible to reduce deterioration to a minimum by restoring an object to its former glory. Looking back in history to identify how the artifact would appear when it was created, we can return it to its original condition. Replacing a layer of paint or adding a preserving agent on the surface of an object is often a lot more effective than just keeping them in their current condition.

It Brings People Together

Findings that can connect two different cultures have a powerful effect on increasing tolerance towards others. They motivate us to be generous towards others and can elevate our spirits as connected communities. Creating a unifying force that helps us feel grounded ensures that we stay connected to different cultures around us. At one point or another throughout history, every culture was influenced by other ones, resulting in a rich cultural heritage that affects all of our lives.

Whether the objects of historical value will be displayed frequently or kept in storage most of the time depends on various facts. From their contribution to a particular finding to their physical conditions, everything can play a role in a museum’s decisions on handling artifacts. However, regardless of these decisions, the valuables must be maintained appropriately at all times, so they can be saved for future generations as well. After all, with the help of rapidly developing technological advancements, artifacts have the potential to provide even more answers about our history.


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