Dutch Modern Art

Piet Mandrean is one of the most famous contemporary Dutch artists

The Netherlands are famous not only for coffee shops and tulips. This is a real treasure trove for art connoisseurs: Dutch modern art and the Golden Age of art in the 17th century. Definitely, in the Netherlands there is something to do for art lovers.

We offer you a small guide to the museums and galleries of the kingdom.

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

Almost every country has a museum of modern art. In the Netherlands, this is the Stedelijk. It was opened more than 100 years ago and at first was supposed to function as a museum of the history of Amsterdam. Furniture and household items were stored here.

And then there was a large collection of Vincent van Gogh, which was later transferred to a separate building. Then the artist’s collection was taken to other museums. And in Stedelijk, paintings, sculptures, engravings, photographs and media products of contemporary Dutch artists appeared.

As a true Art Nouveau museum, it is constantly updated with exhibits. Here you can find works of new realism, pop art, minimalism and the Cobra movement.

Notable contemporary Dutch artists represented here include Karel Appel and Piet Mondrian. In addition, there are many works by artists and sculptors from other countries: Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, the Hall of Innovative Artists. There is also a hall of Kazimir Malevich.

Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art

A relatively new art center was opened in the 90s of the last century. The main mission of the center is to show the life and transformation of art today. The museum has three floors. The center itself often puts on special exhibitions of contemporary Dutch artists, organizes public performances, and publishes its own books.

Foam museum

The modern museum has four halls and all of them are devoted to photographs of different genres: modern and historical, applied and art photography. Exhibitions of world photographers are constantly held here and collaborations with other world-famous photography museums take place. Bright and stylish space will not leave indifferent even an inexperienced visitor.

CoBrA Museum of Modern Art

The Museum of Modern Art primarily presents the works of the CoBrA art movement. The abbreviation consists of the names of the three capitals: Copenhagen, Brussels and Amsterdam. Its founders were abstract artists, including the Dutch Karel Appel. The movement arose in 1948 as a disagreement with the classical canons of art laid down by the French: in color, idea, formality. So, bright, naive, almost childish drawings and sculptures of non-standard forms appeared. This museum is one of the favorites among fans of abstraction.

Groninger Museum

The museum initially attracts with its appearance: three buildings of different shapes, shades, and a bridge connecting them. Eminent architects worked on the museum: Philippe Starck and Alessandro Medini. Most of the exposition is the work of contemporary Dutch artists: sculptures, drawings, paintings, installations.


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