A New Intensive Career Development Program at the Art Students League of New York Aims to Mint the Next Generation of Art Stars


Established in 1875, the Art Students League of New York has championed independent artists and accessible art education for more than a century in the country’s foremost arts capital. Along with maintaining a permanent collection of over 2,000 works and staging free events and exhibitions for both artists and the public, a cornerstone of the league’s ongoing purpose is providing quality educational programs and classes, offering everything from short-term workshops to monthly fine art studio courses.

Of the myriad educational offerings of the league, the newly established Career Development Program is a four-week intensive aimed at helping artists advance their careers by equipping students with industry-specific skills and experience to better understand—and engage with—the art world. How to obtain gallery representation, apply for grants and residencies, draft artist statements, and networking best practices are just a few of the many imperative issues the program covers, ensuring students build a solid foundation on which to build their career. And as a result of a generous contribution from Dr. Andrew Jacono, the program is fully funded and at no cost to those enrolled.

Jaxon Northon, (n.d.). Courtesy of the Art Students League of New York.

Helmed by American artist Marc Dennis, each student participating in the Career Development Program will have opportunities to meet one on one and identify their personal goals and ambitions. With these in mind, participants will receive advice, guidance, and on-site experiences with institutions and art world professionals to help achieve them.

Other instructors leading portions of the program include journalist and editorial strategist Robin Cembalest; Sotheby’s faculty and renown attorney Judith Prowda; and photographer Gustavo Murillo. Students will be able to garner a wealth of insight into the workings of the art world and benefit from the instructors cumulative expertise.

Sherry Been, (n.d.). Courtesy of the Art Students League of New York.

The Fall 2023 Career Development Program application closed in September, and a new class of enrollees will undertake part of the October and November sessions. Each submitted portfolio was reviewed, and students chosen, by Dennis himself.

Participants for the October session are: Jessica Yu, Maria Monfort, Sherry Been, Eva Avenue, Marina Chistyakova, Jonathan Taub, Jon Burgerman, Jaxon Northon, Aurora, Abzug, Karen Beckhardt, Noah Jordan, and Jenny Santi. The November session will welcome: Labdhi Shah, Nohi Mehrotra, 友子竹田, Lunnara Luza, Nicole James, Felicia Podberesky, Nataliia Nosyk, Sharilyn Neidhardt, Aliza Stone Howard, Amy Yamamoto, Milagros Villanueva, and Luis Edo Romero.

Monfort, (n.d.). Courtesy of the Art Students League of New York.

Among the range of practical skills and banks of knowledge the forthcoming sessions will offer, students will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of esteemed New York City-based professionals from: Miles McEnery Gallery, Berry Campbell Gallery, the Flag Art Foundation, Jane Lombard Gallery, Spanierman Modern, Morgan Lehman Gallery, and influential collector Glenn Fuhrman.

Participants from the Career Development Program will situate themselves as artists to watch with newly garnered art world acumen, and for those interested in forthcoming sessions, applications will be announced next year.


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