How to Raise Money for Your Creative Projects


Many artists tend to have more ideas than money. And some of their grandiose ambitions need a springboard to get them off the ground. In some cases, artists may already have savings set aside to pursue such ideas. But unfortunately this is not available to everyone.

In this article you will find a piece of advice how to raise money for a project.

  • Art show fundraiser

 An art show might be an original creative project you’re trying to fund, however there are ways to put on small shows that make enough money to lead to something bigger. Exhibition space doesn’t have to be expensive. But how will you raise money for a project from an art show? Everything ingenious is simple. You can try charging entrance fees, having a donation jar, and running a small bar

  • Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding is the easiest way of fundraising for the arts. It’s also a great way to build your resume if you’re planning larger projects in the future and are considering applying for government funding. The basic principle of crowdfunding is that you create a project page explaining what you need the funds for, people who like the idea can contribute financially and receive rewards in return, often in the form of exclusive or limited edition items.

  • Grants and dedicated arts funding

If you’ve come up with something expensive that you absolutely have to do, it’s a good idea to look into dedicated art funding. In order to receive a grant from a funding body, you must provide a lot of evidence to support your application – a detailed budget, timeline, projected income, audience data, and so on. It’s not easy to raise money for a project in such a way- competition is incredibly high, especially in the current climate so you have to be determined, persistent and prepared for rejection, but the benefits can be enormous. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to try – the only way you’re definitely not getting funded is if you don’t ask.

  • Art auction

Similar to an art show, this event also revolves around the presentation of works, but with a buying angle. This might not be the case for your own auction. In terms of fundraising for the arts, set the percentage of profits that will go to your fund (commission) and what will be left to the artist who created the work.

  • Sell your art  products

Selling is a foolproof way of fundraising for the arts. Take a look at your body of work and choose work to put up for sale. This can be done through your artist website or Instagram account. If you’re unsure on selling original work, you can make art prints of your designs or even put them onto products using various print-on-demand services. When it comes to fundraising for the arts from selling, there are a whole host of ideas and opportunities you can take up.


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