Being faithful and obedient, monumental sculpture has always been complementary to the architecture and accompanied its privileged sister in order to intergrate more or less organically the space created by the latter.


Today, the sculpture goes down from its usual pedestal and invades everything, it doesn’t obey no longer any rule and exists even apart from a given architectural context. It plays its own and independent part in the space and society, and makes the viewer have a reaction that is different from an ordinary and passive admiration or even disinterest with which it had been treated over several centuries.


Nowadays, monumental sculptures appear in the middle of parks and gardens, form part of builduings, cellars, hotels and palaces, contemporary art museums, wine estates, companies, business centres. They reinforce an image of status, prestige and success.


They reflect their owners soul and become emblems of buildings, companies, châteaux and estates.

The imposing and majestic proportions of the monumental sculpture give a sense of power and evoke admiration and wonder. These outdoor sculptures attract tourists and create a wonderful visual appeal. The monumental sculpture is driven to meaning prosperity and success, creating emotions and providing visibility that impacts the visitor.


Collector’s passion

A personal passion for collecting is often mixed together with philantropic approach. Anyway, the basic idea is initially to share his love and passion with public. It is obvious that without a particular fondness of the owner for the world of art, any initiative in this direction could fail. However, even if the owner can be an art lover, it does not mean that its company should be deprived of positive image due to the action of patronage.

The benefits are numerous. Besides the embellishment of properties and architectural complexes, sometimes too strict or even monotonous, the sculptures can offer to all places a special identity and easily recognisable image.

Rebecca Newnham

In addition, the tax administration has provided many fiscal advantages in order to deduct a part or the total cost of the acquired monumental art works.