The city of Pergola, a jewel of the Marches, immersed in the heart of the Valcesano area, rich in traditions, history, legends, culture and known worldwide as the City of Bronzes, is ready to host the exhibition ARCANA – The Lion of the New Horizon, an event awarded in 2022, the national prize as the most voted exhibition in Italy promoted by Autostrade per l’Italia. The artistic event will be hosted in the magnificent hall of abundance of the Angel dal Foco Theater in Pergola.

The inauguration will be on 24 June at 17:30 in the Sala San Rocco and then move to the theatre. The event is one of the events of the Romantic Night 2023 established by the most beautiful villages in Italy, on the opening day the exhibition will remain open until 24:00, the institutions and representatives of the entities sponsoring the event will participate in the event. Among the organizers of the important event are the Municipality and the Pro Loco of Pergola. The exhibited collection will present numerous
patronages, including the Regional Council of the Marches, the University of Urbino Carlo Bo, UNPLI Pesaro Urbino, the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, Confcommercio Pesaro and Urbino\Marche Nord, ENIT – National Agency of Tourism, the UNESCO club of Florence and many others. The artistic research that will be presented will be dedicated to the symbolic study using stone as an expressive execution material. The ARCANA project now finds a new dimension, supporting an advanced territorial enhancement of the Marches. The sculptor Andrea da Montefeltro with more than 250 works to his
credit has been awarded by the UN with the International Prize for Peace in Art and will propose an exhibition with a utopian charm. The artistic direction entrusted to Annalisa Di Maria already among the leading experts of Florentine Neoplatonism and Leonardo da Vinci.

The Arcana – The Lion of the New Horizons exhibition will be a very important event for the area aimed at sharing and disseminating the artistic production of one of the best and best known Italian sculptors at an international level. The exhibition is an intense journey between ancient and modern. The symbology at the base of the creative idea of the artist who, through it, tells thoughts and stories that come from more remote times, but which bind us to the present in an infinite embrace. This is art, remaining imprinted with one’s ideas over time, a continuous search for beauty that is expressed through the artist’s creative canons.

Andrea’s sculptural works are destined to become eternal, as eternal is the thought that merges together with these hands, albeit young, but wise, able to tell and transmit to us all the power, beauty and strength of one of the oldest materials worked by man, stone. Andrea da Montefeltro has the ability to be able to shape stone through a dream that is the result of his immense talent that led him to make him known all over the world. The sensitivity that distinguishes him in each of his works, his ability to capture beauty through his thoughts, his enormous passion and love for what he does, make every
event related to him a special moment that leaves a tangible mark on the world of art and culture. A mysterious, symbolic and fascinating exhibition which in all its stages has captured the attention of the media and a large public. Works with an ancient scent that progress through our time and leave a profound innovative trace that will last forever. The sculptures of Andrea da Montefeltro become bearers of light on the horizon of art.
ARCANA – The Lion of the New Horizon
Sculptural Personal Exhibition of
Andrew of Montefeltro
Art Director Annalisa Di Maria
Place: Angel dal Foco Theater – Hall of Abundance – Pergola (PU)
Organizers-Partnerships-Patronages and Collaborators:
Municipality of Pergola
Pro Loco of Pergola
Marche Regional Council
Confcommercio Pesaro and Urbino \ North Marches
Center for UNESCO in Florence
Province of Pesaro and Urbino
National Tourism Agency
University of Urbino Carlo BO
UNPLI Pesaro and Urbino
Most beautiful villages in Italy
Itinerary of Beauty
Visit Sestino
EBA sas
City: Pergola
Province: Pesaro and Urbino
Start date: June 24, 2023
End date: September 2023
Open every Saturday and Sunday from 16:00 to 19:00
Ticket cost: FREE ENTRY
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Official website