4 Best U.S. Museums for Learning History

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Nothing beats the experience of seeing a piece of history in person. The feeling it gives you cannot be captured by any book or computer screen. You simply have to be there! History museums have a way of taking you back in time in a fun and educational way. It helps students to learn history beyond the walls of a classroom and the pages of a book.

It can also help students with “do my homework” queries at USA essay writing services if they need to experience it instead of searching online. There are hundreds of museums of history in the U.S. Selecting the best 4 is almost impossible, but this short list has been carefully put together with some strict criteria in mind.

4 Best History Museums In The U.S. That Students Can Learn From

  1. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The Smithsonian is the largest National History Museum in the United States. With over 155 million items on display, the Smithsonian is the most visited museum in North America. It boasts a vast collection of plants, animals, and human cultural artifacts carefully preserved in dozens of exhibits in the sprawling museum. There is a hall wholly dedicated to dinosaurs called the Hall of Dinosaurs. Here, you will get accustomed to these majestic prehistoric mammoths and have an experience of a lifetime. In the Hall of Human Origins, you’ll learn about man’s evolution beyond the walls of a classroom. In the Hall of Minerals, you’ll see the much-acclaimed Hope Diamond and learn of all the myths surrounding it.

  1. American Museum of Natural History

Established in 1869, this museum boasts 39 million natural history artifacts. It houses a collection of dinosaur skeletons and different kinds of fossils. Meteorites, rocks, and animals are also part of the collection here. Some highlights are the Alaska Brown Bear, the Blue Whale, the Titanosaur, and the Tyrannosaurus rex. This museum also plays host to the oldest Neanderthal skeletons in the world. Newly opened is the Extinct and Endangered exhibition showcasing the world’s extinct and endangered insect species. Displays spread across five levels; some of its popular displays are the Museum of Paleontology and The Hayden Planetarium.

  1. National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center

This is a wonderful place to learn about the United States Military. If the lives of the military personnel and equipment fascinate you, this museum is where you ought to be. This museum plays host to the world’s most extensive collection of military artifacts. There’s a lot to learn and a lot to experience. With thousands of military artifacts, hardware, and monuments, this museum is one of the nation’s leading military history destinations. Some of the exhibits are; the Vietnam Memorial Plaza, The Cold War, and the World at War exhibits (a World War 1 and 2 memorial)

  1. Museum of Native American History

Established in 2006, this museum has artifacts that date back to 14,000 years ago. It seeks to take visitors back in time to see how the native inhabitants of America lived. It reopened in a bigger space in 2008 because the old space couldn’t contain the growing collection daily. With a collection that spans five time periods of human existence, one of its highlights is a wooly mammoth skeleton from the ice age. You can also buy native merchandise like jewelry, pottery, etc. if you like it.


The mission of these museums is to offer visitors an insight into how the world was before our time. The learning benefits are enormous; it is a place where you can get firsthand information in case you have “do my homework” questions. In addition, experiencing what you’ve learned physically and firsthand is almost an out-of-the-world experience for people.


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