When we think of color, we may imagine bright, abstract splotches or lines of different hues stretching across a big canvas. For Russian-American portrait artist-Veronica Winters color is a symbol, process, and outcome to communicate a story written in her figurative art. Carefully arranging symbols around either a portrait or a figure, the artist creates thoughtful images that transcend our physical world to portray a much wider reality that may or may not exist but we can certainly imagine it. These are the states of wider awareness of everything living. In her art, the human being is a vessel for telling a story, making people connect to larger themes or possibilities of reality.
Veronica used to be a still life and portrait artist but always gravitated towards surreal imagery with Magritte, Escher, and Varo being some of her favorites. She enjoys creating art that reveals meaning and thoughts behind the realism, which wasn’t present in her painting objects from life. For many years the artist kept searching for ways to depict a figure in a new way which led her to the development of unique color harmonies in every new artwork she creates. Winters designs her pieces around two or three colors that take the viewer on a journey around the painting. These subtle color harmonies create a unique atmosphere in art allowing the artist to transport the viewers to another, mystical realm that’s beautiful and sincere.
Winters explains her work in a statement:
“A collection of recent artwork is my take on the meaning of life, recorded out of my need to experience feelings of love, balance, joy, healing, and connection. I made a promise to myself to paint the world I want to see, feel and create, which is free of pain, judgment, and fear. My mission is to inspire people to connect to their own soul and light to form a heart-centered world.”
You can find new visionary artwork, courses, and more on her website https://veronicasart.com/or follow the artist on Instagram to see short video clips of a process: https://www.instagram.com/veronicawintersart/