Top contemporary art collectors


Instagram is rocking the art market, probably becoming the most important social media platform in the art world. At the beginning of this month, news websites have once again commented on the undeniable commercial potential Instagram has for auction houses and galleries, as it facilitates international access for art buyers to available and fascinating works. Art collectors are now slowly becoming addicted to the app, as Karen Robinovitz declares Instagram is the “dealer and pusher that enables” the collecting obsession. With the increase of these art buyers’ accounts not only does the channel help discover and promote artists and artworks, owing to collectors documenting their visits to artists studios and their recent purchases,  but it is also a tool for sales. Art collectors can now “pick and pay” eye-catching works while scrolling through endless feed of their favourite galleries and artists.

Larry’s List decides to break down our most comprehensive and active list of Instagram art collector users in two parts, totalling 50 accounts in all. Take a peek and enjoy!

1 – Robert Suss, UK

Robert Suss. Photo: Artsy

Who: Cofounder of the Frank-Suss Collection. He is on the Advisory Board of Global Angels, an international charity empowering disadvantaged children and their communities around the world.
What to expect: Family selfies, pieces from the Frank-Suss Collection and favourite artworks at international exhibitions, spanning from LACMA, Los Angeles all the way to Royal Academy of Art in London.
Popular hashtags: #ilovethiswork, #studiosuss
Tag name: @robertsuss

2 – Susi Kenna, US

Susi Kenna. Photo Tyle Joe, ArtStar.

Who: Assistant director, Social Media for the art world Fitz & Co. She is also the founder of Nail Art History.
What to expect: Bold and colourful pictures of contemporary art around New York’s gallery and museum scene as well as street art, with the occasional images of nail art.
Popular hashtags: #emptybrooklynmuseum #nailart #nailarthistory
Tag name: @susikenna

3 – Adrian Cheng, Hong Kong

Adrian Cheng. Photo: South China Morning Post

Who: The most talked about collector and art patron of the moment – turning everything he touches into art! Founder of K11 Art Mall.
What to expect: Snaps of Western and Asian contemporary artworks, gallery and museum visits, picture-perfect international locations.
Popular hashtags: #contemporaryart, #contemporarychineseart, #kafchinaartist
Tag name: @ac_kaf

4 – Carole Server, US

Carole Server. Photo: Artspace

Who: Former Wall Street Executive. She, along with her husband, Oliver, is a champion for emerging and contemporary arts in New York and abroad.
What to expect: Visits to leading art galleries such as Blain Southern, Alison Jacques and Paul Kasmin Gallery, photographs of abstract conceptual paintings and sculptures, artist studio visits and her dog, Jesse.
Popular hashtags: #jessybabyboyny
Tag name: @csart430

5 – Daniel Turriani, UK

Who: Founder of JT Art Asset, an art advisory and investment company, specialising in Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary artworks.
What to expect: Contemporary artworks by Damien Hirst and Murakami as well as many Modern masters such as Henri Matisse and Modigliani, and finally images of his daughter, Annabelle, in the English countryside.
Popular hashtags: #annabeijing, #countryside, #contemporaryart, #contemporaryartist
Tag name: @danielturriani

6 – Alan Lo, Hong Kong

Alan Lo. Photo: Time Out

Who: Cofounder of the Press Room Group and popular Hong Kong gallery/restaurant, Duddell’s.
What to expect: Appreciating the finer things in life by taking pictures of cocktail drinks, fine cuisine in various restaurants, and his attendance to many art social events.
Popular hashtags: #thepawn, #duddells, #hkart, #hongkong
Tag name: @alanyeungkit

7 – Theo Lindqvist, Sweden

Who: Founder and CEO of Lindqvist Contemporary, art advisory firm.
What to expect: A wide range of Modern and Contemporary art to feed your art cravings. His snaps include mostly paintings and sculptures, taken across Europe. Expect works from Peter Doig, Gerhard Richter, Jonathan Meese and many more.
Popular hashtags: #contemporaryart, #greatart, #artcollector
Tag name: @lindqvistcontemporary

8 – Karen Robinovitz,  US

Karen Robinovitz. Photo: the content

Who: Trend expert and cofounder of Digital Brand Architects. 
What to expect: A carefully curated ensemble of pictures from public sculpture installations, closeup-detailed shots of abstract and whimsical artworks taken from various art institutions. It’s eye candy for the art lover.
Popular hashtags: Mostly artists names – #frankstella, #johnchamberlain, #keithharing, #albertoehlen
Tag name: @karenrobinovitz

9 – Maria Baibakova, Russia

Who: Russian oligarch princess, founder of Baibakov Art Projects in Moscow, a columnist at Buro 24/7 and a Trustee at Barnard College.
What to expect: Recent pictures of her honeymoon with her new husband, desirable travels to sunny and cold places, her attendance to numerous fashion shows and other art social events and pictures of art works from art exhibitions from around the world.
Tag name: @baibakovart

10 – Stefan Simchowitz, US

Stefan Simchowitz. Photo: Blouin Art Info

Who: Art curator, art advisor, independent film producer and assistant producer based in Los Angeles.
What to expect: Portrait snapshots of people from the artworld and contemporary abstract artworks.
Popular hashtag: #simcoportraits
Tag name: @stefansimchowitz

11 – Anita Zabludowicz, US

Poju (left) & Anita (right) Zabludowicz. Photo: Wall Street Journal

Who: Founder of Zabludowicz Collection.
What to expect: Artworks from the Zabludowicz Collection including behind-the-scene pictures of the collection.
Popular hashtags: #zabludowiczcollection, #anitasartdiary
Tag name: @anitazart

12 – William Zhao, Hong Kong

William Zhao. Photo: ocula

Who: Chinese contemporary art collector, curator, writer.
What to expect: Touring art exhibitions around the world, dining and hanging out with other Hong Kong art collector folks Adrian Cheng and Alan Lo, and artists.
Popular hashtags: #artcollectors, #collectionneurs
Tag name: @william_zha

13 – Schwanda Rountree, US

Artwork shown by Bethany Collins, courtesy of Schwanda Rountree. Photography by Jati Lindsay

Who: Popular Washington, DC art advisor. Founder of Rountree Art Consulting.
What to expect: Selfies against vibrant graffiti walls, her influential fashion sense and enticing art exhibition pictures.
Popular hashtags: #streetart, #travel
Tag name: @rountreeart

14 – Fabien Fryns, China & Spain

Fabien Fryns and his wife Lucy. Courtesy of Fabien Fryns.

Who: Art gentleman expert on Chinese contemporary art, art dealer.
What to expect: Contemporary Chinese art, pictures of his personal art collection.
Tag name: @fabienfryns

15 – Budi Tek, China

Budi Tek. Photo:

Who: Founder of private art museum Yuz Museum.
What to expect: Images of the insides of Yuz Museum as well as its exhibitions on display.
Popular hashtags: #yuzmuseum, #yuzcollection, #buditek, #shanghai
Tag name@buditek

16 – Kelly Ying, China

Kelly Ying. Courtesy of Kelly Ying.

Who: Fashionista and cofounder of art fair ART021.
What to expect: Fashion shoot images, attendance to art social events, selfies against gorgeous backdrops around the world and contemporary art.
Popular hashtags: #dior, #contemporaryart
Tag name: @kellyyingxoxo

17 – China Chow, US

WORK OF ART: THE NEXT GREAT ARTIST — Season:2 — Pictured: China Chow — Photo by: Andrew Eccles/Bravo

China Chow. Photo The Huffington Post.

Who: Daughter of restaurateur Mr Michael Chow and late model/designer Tina Chow. Young collector and model-turned entrepreneur.
What to expect: Snapshots of her fashion shoots with her modelling in strange haute couture gummy bear or chocolate bar inspired dresses; selfies with many of the art world jet set and pictures of art works described in amusing puns.
Tag name: @china_chow

18 – Frédéric de Goldschmidt, France & Belgium

Who: Film producer
What to expect: Dedicated solely to conceptual and contemporary art from visiting art exhibitions in Europe as well as dreamy landscapes.
Popular hashtags: #ibiza, #brussels, #paris
Tag name: @frederic_net

19 – Michael Xufu Huang, China

Who: Cofounder of the private art museum MWoods.
What to expect: Events at MWoods and envious social outings.
Tag name: @michaelxufuhuang

20 – Peter Ibsen, Denmark

Who: Blogger
What to expect: Interior shots of his office or home with installation images of how his artworks are laid out. Many paintings by André Butzer are to be found.
Popular hashtags: #andrebutzer
Tag name: @pibsen

21 – James Chau, China 

James Chau. Courtesy of James Chau.

Who: TV News Broadcaster for CCTV, writer and UN Goodwill Ambassador
What to expect: Travel images of where the news takes him.
Tag name: @james_chau

22 – Wanwan Lei, China

Who: Cofounder of the private are museum MWoods.
What to expect: Travels and art exhibitions in museums.
Tag name: @wanwan_lei

23 – Russell Tovey, UK

Who: British actor and burgeoning art collector.
What to expect: Images of his frequent visits to art galleries and fun selfies with his French bulldog, Rocky.
Popular hashtags: #Rocky
Tag name: @russelltovey

24 – Frank Cohen, UK

Frank Cohen. Photo:

Who: Cofounder of the Dairy Art Centre.
What to expect: This new account by the collector will bring you images of the collection inside the Dairy Art Centre in London, including images posing with renowned artists.
Tag name: @manchestermedici

25 – Jean Pigozzi, US

Who: Businessman, philanthropist, jet setter and creator of the fashion brand LimoLand.
What to expect: Humorous pictures on his hatred with kale. He certainly could not kale less about it.
Tag name: @jeanpigozzi


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